Is there an energy that did not have to follow the same evolutionary proces as we did, to reach the same consciousness ?My name is combination. I combine. The innocent aspirations of youth, with the hope of avoiding illusions with the faith that we evolve to the real lessons, to the real feeling, to the best act in real art's NOW------ I combine. The pains and joys of the past, with understanding the present ones with the aspirations of tomorrow with all the energy deep inside me----- I combine. The political theories with the working conditions, with the real emotional world of daily people, with wanting to change things----- I combine. The news on war, poverty, famine, with all kind of wealth diseases , with all kinds of unhappiness that reigns, with breaking the solitude of the individual------ I combine. The living and the dead, with the longing for fulfillment with wanting to recognize , who in fact I am, with observing all kinds of forgotten energies------ I combine, I combine, I combine. I cannot do otherwise, al dough I try, I always have to combine. Because combination shall be my name until it's no longer necessary... And I become part of another world ?