woensdag 27 april 2011
so there was life after dead after all
A few sentences are in Book Antiqua style and date from 9/1O/2010 or have been later introduced or reworked. Original text I wrote in 2003
particular energy
So there really was life after death.
About ten, twelve years ago I wrote the following senses: " Peace will come in the heart of the ones with honest souls. Prevent the world from destruction and lead people to better lives. Never forget that the world is indivisible. There is but one life and one world, takes your responsibility and live as intense as possible. Be wise and light to be a guide. Go to the people and speak of joys to be. Your place is where you will feel free. Explain them the difference between the material world and the spiritual matter. Truth is simple. Truth hides in the past, lives in the present and needs the future. Why does one find so little joy between many people? People do not wonder enough about who they are and what means and what the lives they lead mean. They should be more philosopher than materialist, they should ask themselves why they live in a world of wealth and poverty, war and peace, stress on the work and unemployment. But there are other reasons for the lack of joy… reasons about which one cannot yet write and reasons about which nobody can write."
By means of this short story, I’ll try to show what ‘dead’ in fact means.
there was life after dead !
introduction : through the past in a few lines
Nothing is more ‘real’ then living life itself, how real art as well can be.
We all, we are characters in a real novel that has been going on since ages.
Persons create persons and then vanish again.
Since thousands of years we try to put our experiences in to signs.
The more you understand about it, the harder sometimes to put it down in words.
The good man does, continues to live after him
The evil also. Positive and negative interact in completion.
The sense of it all, in every way a powerful, meaningful something.
One can only observe and react, starting from an indifferent equilibrium
Science can give us a logical explanation about life.
A trained observer experiences more ten the logic of things
Objective sciences mostly only have an eye for their field.
Philosophy, Psychology and history must unify the other logic.
Einstein put together the achieved and unveiled a new point of view.
Time, space and matter became more relative then we thought.
Religion tried to make us believe in Gods and God.
Knowledge and truth still were far away from proving a new kind of unity.
Marxists tried to understand the laws of history.
Conservative establishment was against the sense of life socialism discovered.
But nobody could control the subjective factor.
Freud and others tried to show the role of the unconscious.
But they did not discover the deeper meaning of life.
We all, could be more people looking for the meaning of life.
A meaning that surpasses life and dead.
But we are caught in a lot of kinds of habits and ‘pain’.
Life itself is a source of inspiration for everything I wrote about in every literary form.
I can stop writing and let it go by me till I understand the meaning of it better within a few years…or I can try to make a rapport of it every day. I taught about the structure of my day and had a look at my work and the things I studied, the documentaries I kept on video, some newspaper-articles which I kept because I thought they had a lasting value. To make this understandable for readers, I first had to bring them a number of philosophical life-attitudes. How to start this ? Those attitudes were partly the result of a critical study of the existing attitudes and partly the result of my own practical experiences midst all kinds of persons which are to be found in every one’s life.
We’ve all got them : family, lovers, friends, social and political persons,… .
With all that ‘brainstorming’ going on in my head, I was afraid of ‘boiling over’ and remaining on my chair till inspiration came, looked like dangerously reaching a unallowable border. I went outside to sit on a chair and stumbled back inn. Symbolically I closed the door. Something cracked inside me.
I closed my eyes for the last time here on earth. An unexpected goodbye, where I had thought a lot about. A few things I had imagined, became true. The experience itself was a quite different, something comparable whit what I had experienced during the burning to ashes of an old colleague of mine. There was this kind of magnetism that started in my feet and got upwards, like it seemed to be coming from the ground. When it reached my hart, I taught ‘oh’, ‘something is wrong with me’. But no, the magnetism accelerated it ‘ s speed and once in my head, it became a kind of more-dimensional triangle, pyramid kind of ‘light dimension’ which, like a starship in science-fiction vanished into space. This form of yellow kind of light, did it disappear into the spaces of micro cosmos or the ones of macro cosmos ? Or was there an indifferent equilibrium in between ?
Probably I was in the anti-matter that every matter has, in the microcosmical world …but that world is everywhere, even in the macro-world. Was I in somebody or in the spiritual world as a unity ? So I did solve a part of the mystery ‘god is everywhere’. I happened to be in the antimatter of all the elements that once composed me, radiation as well as minerals, gasses and so on.
In any case, there was life after dead.
During my life, I had three different options about dead. We surely fell back into the elements from which we were composed; energies like minerals, water, air, light and waves with each their own kind of consciousness. Since we were connected genetically with the rest of the biological world…we were not dead in that sense. As a third option I already suspected that all ones usable experiences in life, which had started with the genetic three …before one’ s life; after dead could be used as an energy working in two directions. That energy, like the electrons it was made of, is not destroyable; it can only change in form…and that is what happens to us before and during and after our life.
I experienced my ‘dead’ as being reborn in another dimension, in the awareness that ‘I’ and ‘we’ had already lived for ever…far before the existing of the first atom and the first cell…as a kind of physical energy with a ‘soul’, a bit if like the center of something ‘good’, like an artist trying always to express himself, wanting to become atom and cell and so on; while the entire process creates structure and cooperation in the different elements. And even if the total of matter should disappear, it would emerge in another point. That other point, that is the same, is the point with in the cycle of the 8-form. Like in DNA and the hart as center of the blood circulation. Like a star as the center of a part of macro matter and an atom as the center of micro matter a bit as well.
The feeling I had, was like watching the light that from the evening colors passes into the dark of the night and in a number of light gradations is being born again in the morning.
Just as like when you are living, when you do not know if there is life after dead, when you are dead , you do not know if you still have a body or not. This is strange, very strange…from one ‘mystery’ you in fact dive into another.
My individuality began a long journey alongside our collective and individual past to the point of my dead, where individuality again seemed to vanish in collectivity and yet it had a separated existence at the same time. It all happened rather fast, but on earth I would have needed many pages to describe. The voyage I was on, went from atom to cell and the building up of our existing society, it was like turning the pages of an educational book, but in a more clever than a digital way even. The more clear the message and contents from the journey were, the more effort the voyager had spent in his life, to understand the meaning of life.
The spiritual world was like a kind of internet-community, composed of the different kinds of tempers of everyone who had existed so far. Every life was a kind of ‘home-page’ in fact…with branches to all the ones in the human story they had known. ‘Had known’ or ‘knew’…it was not yet clear to me. It seemed that the better it became to live on earth, the more beautiful the symbolism between the ones that already past away (the past away’ s) and the still living in a classical way became. Was this what moved the interaction between the two worlds ?
As soon as I reached a certain point NOW on my and our earthly past, the new laws of my new form of existence, became clear to me. They not only made my speechless, I also could not ‘speak’ any more, when I got aware in which manner I could only express myself at the biologically living persons.
There also was the awareness that they could use my energy and I theirs…but only in a symbolical, intuition manner through thinking and dreams and images and things that happened…a kind of ‘inspiration’ in fact.
I did not only have a ‘voice’ any more, I also did not ‘see’ any more…because I myself had become a part of light and air and all the other elements I was composed of…without knowing exactly what…like one cannot see one’s own inside organs and like one can only see oneself in a mirror. We only can feel the intensity of who we are. Still I was able to think by means of images and thoughts, like one can see images in his head in a biological body…al dough some scientists say that they aren’t there. Stronger than before I felt the good person I had always been.
Another thing that became clear to me, was that I did not knew if I could still ‘hear’, because like something that was said…I could remember hearing voices and sometimes I wondered if a voice wasn’t a taught.
With ‘being dead’ the ‘emphasis’ was being put more on ‘feeling’, even ‘thought’ was a feeling. Trying to feel with who in life you really were connected with. Not literally ‘feeling’, but ‘touching each other in the spirit’, not in the ‘mind’(like in the soul) on earth…but it still seemed much like the positive feelings parents and friends can have for each other. It became clear to me, that during one’s life on earth all the consciousness and deeds one collects; all that positive and negative energy that interacts…at the same time on the ‘other side’ is being put together like a puzzle. The final ‘result’ gives you the amount of ‘inner knowledge’ you have reached when you die. Once when we no longer are biological, we can feel the intensity of who we are.
Ones earthly ‘soul’, based on positive and negative emotions, who commands ones earthly life; sometimes let’s go some pieces of ‘spiritual information’, we the ‘past away’ s’ , need…in order to be able to pass on our information. One’s final dead is the unified picture of your life, offered to you. From the moment you understand this at the other side, you get a kind of spiritual orgasm that enables you to realize that you are not alone at the other side…and that one can communicate as well with other spirits over there.
Just like on earth one needs other people to be oneself. On earth sometimes some people are aware of these things, but those moments seem to disappear because the amount of events that come and go. On the ‘other side’ there also are times when one can isolate oneself…that often are moments when one is the most in unity with everyone and everything. Not always nevertheless.
Just like a child that is born all of the sudden is surrounded met beings with which it has another kind of intensity in contact…no longer the strange noises from in the belly. People who believe in classical reincarnation would say that this is the bridge from one live to another, even if they believe that the soul only enters the body with birth.(Sunday 24 april2011 Eastern, most hot day in 60 years in Belgium).
On very clear moments in one’s life one can realize these things, but due to the fact of the never stopping flow of events, one is not always conscious of this process.
Like on earth, life after dead is not always ‘romantic’…because the process of consciousness that started with the voyage from atom to cell, organism, animal, men and society…that process continues after dead. It depends on your merits whether you are armed to be able to continue that awareness-project. Your ‘hierarchy’ as well depends from your merits…and this has not much to do with the diplomas you got, neither with the kind of work you did? You ,’biological living ones’ should be amazed about some people you taught you knew and who they are over here. But later more about that. If I get permission to say something about it, I will, but I have a feeling I won’t.
To be able to explain all this I have to get back to my puzzle of life
There was a reason why I had lived and still was living
I ‘watched’ the places in the world that I had abandoned and ‘saw’ de growth of the harvests on the fields near the roads I had lived and traveled. I saw the cars on the roads and the smoke coming from factories and some houses. I saw the animals, but he people, I did not see. Maybe I was in the people and that is why I could not see them anymore.
Very strange in the beginning. My friends only lived in my memories…I only could see them in my memories, which was a way of better understanding how they felt…even on a present stage basis.
But how they felt did not preoccupy me at the moment, I needed my energy to concentrate on a text of a novel or essay I wanted to complete. I had called the introduction ‘my inspiration maps’.
I saw the text lying on my desk, but how could I finish this book ?
Maybe there somewhere was a writer with still a biological life to lead, who read one of my former works and did not have any inspiration of from himself at the moment. During my life I had called into existence enough energy to allow me at this moment to be ‘connected’ with a living soul mate.
I would finish my book, through him. Sometimes he would be aware of my special kind of presence without knowing. Sometimes we were aware of each other, when he walked amongst the threes in the wood and taught about something he read about me. I always wanted to plant a wood myself and there was this writer who lived in a wood near water and entered his chalet, took the newspaper and cut out my photo and an article on my life. It gave me new energy to continue writing. A lot of writers were still continuing something amongst ‘us’ and ‘them’. Sometimes there seemed to be no difference amongst ‘them’ and ‘we’. Al dough we did not see ‘them’ busy with something…we felt what was going on in their world. Like the living sometimes were busy with the question what would happen after their dead, we, ‘past away’ s’ were busy wondering what our next life in the ‘after afterworld’ would be like. Our form of energy in the afterworld wasn’t eternal either and one day would change it ’s form as well. In a way we had we had bettered ourselves because we mainly communicated with spirits from the afterworld that used to have the same interests as we. It was very special how each of us tried to do this in his own way.
Those who as farmers had been concerned about agriculture, received energy from those who had liked doing this on earth. Communication between both sides worked as a system of connected fluids in different spaces. The negativism of a minority of farmers or landowners on earth often prevented the flowing of communication between farmers that had died and those still active on earth. Sometimes the representatives of the farmers in the afterworld came looking for advice with spirits that often had to deal with the same problems when they worked as farmers for example.
Then there was a communication amongst them and only the fact of this ‘exchange’ itself made it possible to generate some actions below that would improve something or that made farmers below aware. But sometimes it looked like a never ending struggle in each domain.
In the afterworld, the ones who caused those problems in the past suffered until some improvement was made.
So my friend the medium-writer had to tell people below to watch out and think about the suffering of their relatives in an heaven, that wasn’t always ‘heaven’ to them. Their relatives or people responsible for some misery of others should have to do something about it…before they end in the same position. If they act know, the ones who are at the origin of blockades between this world and the next shall free themselves here and in the next stage of life. In the afterworld the painfull part of the existence of ordinary working people is more quickly healed then of those who were responsible for big decisions. People who had mainly good intentions adapt very easily in what the afterworld has to offer. People who produced many good waves and did many good things to help others …still can feel how they are doing…without suffering and without being able to help them, when they aren’t conscious enough to ask it.
Those wise ‘afterworld’-men only can give some inspiration and advice, but the ‘receiving parts’ of the biologically living people have to be functioning…and they don’t when they are not in an emotional balance. Someone with too much negative emotions is a real problem for both the one below who is partly responsible for those emotions as for the one on earth. In many cases, help must come from other identities. Both groups have an important tool to help one another : the free will to act. This free will is a total product of all the situations where it was used and can for reasons, difficult to track down here on earth, be temporally blocked for both groups or their individual components. There for it is sometimes better not to act or stay in a position of indifferent balance.
The afterworld in which we function, only can make us philosophe about our ‘after afterworld’ because from time to time some ‘spirits’ disappear here, like on earth, some ‘souls’ disappear.
We use the term ‘after spirits’ here. We are trying to find the way to get in contact with them. Like on earth we still are in a kind of phase in between. Such a phase, like on earth you can divide in a number of stages of progressing or backsliding consciousness. Once more, what was already clear to me on earth became more clear to me in the afterworld. Everything is one and connected, but there are a number of phases. Like from silence seven sounds are born, with whom one can compose music, like from white all other colors are born. Like thought, feeling and inspiration can produce at least seven expressions of literature…from shouting to poetry…..Like one can touch someone’s skin in several ways as well. It was rather strange that some of us missed those last feelings and others didn’t. Why ? Again a question for us to solve. Did ‘time’ only continued to exist for those not feeling well because of existing ? Could we provoke the urge for a new genetic consciousness among the classical living ones ? “Did the classical ling beings then feel the urge to make new life, new individuals to come and continue the unfinished stories of the living and in a way of the dead ? Was this possible ? (24/4/2011)”
The search for a ‘why’ and ‘how’ was a never ending story it seemed.
Looking out for a new stage of existing in our development was a new kind of enigma, riddle to us.
I , unlike others, did not believe that we were going to reincarnate in another earthly body after disappearing out of the afterlife. I believed more in spiritual growth and trying to show the ones on earth, our genetic three, we partly left behind; that they had to help themselves to be get conscious happy and make a better world…in order to have a better life as well in the afterworld and help us at the same time by doing so. Our mutual development was inter dependent.
I was not much ‘home-sick’, I did not want to go back to the physical soul life, that was the embryo of our spirit and I did not think it was possible to return. Maybe I never know if some of my friends in the afterworld would have indeed reincarnated…or if they would have been ‘promoted’ to the after afterworld. They’d better leave those reincarnation-ideas to the policy of the ‘wisdom of the genetics’ of the earth. I , for the moment was already satisfied enough sharing the positive events on earth and seeing there really was a lot of hope for the world.
We spirits, in fact lived partly in the same world as the earth-people. Because we were pure air and light and waves…again, we were part of their chain of nutrition…and we had an influence on their daily lives. Some of my friends in spirit even went so far to think they could partly return by being present in genetic material. “No wonder an ejaculation is such a mass of sperms buzzy rush-thing”, I joked. There had to be a number of connections between the three different kind of worlds, just like the past and the present and the future are in fact one…maybe the earthly-life, the afterworld and the after afterworld were one as well, all together interacting in a dialectical way.
In the afterworld it was as well 2003 as below, and I was there since 1979 already. We used the same time and in fact there only was one…others said that according to Einstein everything was possible, even returning to the middle ages as a baby…but I answered that they should not use Einstein’s inventions to put him those words in his mouth. By the way, did anybody see Albert here ?
Nobody answered, so probably he already was in the future.
I ‘listened’ to stories of the lives of my friends in spirit, and I answered just by being ‘present’, that’s the way we talk over here. My conclusions were sent to the interfering frequencies of the medium-writer on earth I was in contact with…not like ‘dictating’, but just ‘waving’ some inspiration together, like one picks flowers and afterwards gives them as a present. My memories and his experiences produced the rest of the spiritual food. It depended of what kind of literature the medium-writer wanted to write in, in which neighborhood in the spiritual world I was to be found.
He is a good writer, because I often am to be found on high frequencies.
I decided to review some of the things I wrote in my time. In my earthly days I always had to look and look again to find my text…here they came faster than an internet connection to me, without having to type something on a search-machine. The fact that I was buzzy doing that was enough for the writer to have courage to continue with his work on special energies after his morning walk. Maybe someday, he would discover us ? My wish to write again, became his wish to write again and otherwise.
Where to write about ? About the ones who commit suicide on earth ? Some of them tire themselves out on earth because they had to many good intentions towards too much people…they recovered more quickly than the ones who spent a life complaining about their lives. Sometimes they didn’t cure at all. A lot of people who had died and who had not taken their own lives, in fact were committed on a long time basis. They could cure spiritually as well because it wasn’t always there fault that they didn’t discover the role of structures and people and emotions in their lives.
Sometimes we in the afterworld suppose that the after afterworld can guide some energy from the ones with less energy to the ones with not enough energy. I think I’m not ready for that job jet.
I had to many experiences giving my energy away for free in my lifetime…maybe it never was my decision…and maybe the decision was taken above my head.
To change energy seemed to be to me a far healthier process then only profiting from someone’ s stock. It means learning to express yourself and act in the common interest I think. It means recognizing ones limits and possibilities in the total picture of connections.
In the afterworld those who can give advice, do not have to suffer any more by taking over the sorrow of others and descending in too their levels of dimension of being.
I discovered that the more people were victims of fear and not-knowing, the more they were influenced by negative ideas. The negative influence of past away’ s who did much damage below, lived after them, but could not come back. Only the positive could come back. It really was encouraging. The meaning of life, in fact was that everyone should learn how to get really ‘strong’ and ‘good’ in order to learn how to be able to be a good advice giving being in the ‘hereafter’.
If you didn’t discover the truth about your own life, there was a change that you would return to the pure elements of nature, without being aware of who you in fact were. The meaning of life was, is and shall thus be , of preparing yourself for afterlife, each in one’s own way…whether that is cultivating tomatoes or writing, it can have the same result. Life is not only transmitted through genes, but also by means of air and light and waves and the rest of nature’s transport.
Life can be passed on, not only genetically, but also by the elements in nature under the form of energy…if it had gained the power to do so. Important to know was that one always could be present in the dimension you left…not only genetically…but also in the elements you fell apart in.
Even past, present and future were one and for some in a large extent predictable. The three dimensions were one, that became very clear to me. ‘Here, here after and there after’, all existed in the same time and place; just like past, future and present were one but in another dimension. Who really genetically came before me and after me ? Everybody in fact, biologically and spiritually, because if one goes back enough in time, we are one family. Those who ‘died’ in fact travelled in the antimatter of all kind of radiation, waves… , the air, the light, the minerals. And through the elements and the blood and so on they were in a kind of way a unity with the classical living being in the ‘here’, they in fact were a kind of software from the hardware ‘here’. Maybe send to the ‘here’ by the forces of the after afterlife as so to speak. We in the ‘here after’ were a kind of interconnection in fact with the after afterlife. If one has to learn something about life, one can in an almost non intervening way live those experience through the life stories of the ones in the ‘here’, not forgetting that the 3 worlds are in fact one. Just as one can only get advice from worlds of a higher dimension in each direction, the need for advice must come from the one who needs the advice him or herself. The ones in this life ‘here’ have practically full control of their lives, but not entirely, because of the permanent eternal interaction. If one asks strength in order to achieve something, one’s demand is achieved when the energetic time to obtain it is right. (‘it’, being wisdom for the greater part).
The 3 dimensions were one and all present with in the same time and space.
The more fear and unconsciousness there was among the classical living in the ‘here’, the more they were under the influence of the negative influence of other living beings. It was only possible to give positive advice each time a real honest being needed it. Such a being dough had to have attained some level of comprehension of the language of the spiritual world. In the old religious meaning, this was what was mend with ‘angel guardians’. Every one lived and acquired experiences and lived in the direction of his dead, without knowing that the ‘good part of the life after dead’, also was present on earth in a spiritual way.
The bad intentions of those who had died, could not be present in the ‘here after’ or the after afterlife’- spheres…but were only genetically present in the emotionally negative part of the genetic heritage. The same was true for the positive emotions…with this difference that the positive intentions of the past away were present outside the genetic heritage and in the hereafter and after hereafter. The bad intentions did not pass through the 2 other world, they kept being destructive until they poled in too positive attitudes. The more people reacted more as real human positive beings, the more the spiritual forces could do their ‘job’. The meaning of life therefor is that people in the ‘here’ should become so wise that they can act as god energy in the hereafter and after hereafter. In a way a lot of life is determined there for…it depends and the growing process of each individual in interconnection with the ones surrounding him or her. Some people can understand their lifelines with others better than others. They often get stuck in their own evolution because the others are not ready yet.
In order to be of use to the biological living, one has to have discovered the truth about life and one’s own life and the interconnection of lives, in a significant way. If not, one returns to the pure consciousness of the elements themselves…or one stays partly in the negative part of the genetic heritage…or one has to pass through an emotionally healing cure in the hereafter…a cure not needed any more by those who were already mature enough. But keep in mind always along wanting to understand this theory, that the 3 worlds in fact are one ! The ideal combination was a living being who understood his spirits completely. Such a person was an omni talented and had to offer a broad scale of insights. To put it simply. In fact we all wait for our deaths in order to become a better ‘guide’ then we already were when we lived biologically. (in the best case that is).
All the positive and the understanding of the negative, that we, during our earthly lives could not pass on to others, become clear to everybody who needs it, in his or hers own time and is a part of the never ending healing process that leads to eternal consciousness.
The ultimate meaning of this life ,was is and shall be that one has to prepare oneself for dead and this by knowledge and being aware of one’s inner…and by doing so, contributing to an improvement in quality of human living conditions on earth. Life cab not only be passed on by genetics, but also under the form of all kinds of special energy…if one has achieved the force to do so. It was important to realize that one could in a number of ways still be in the dimension that one had visibly left…not only in a genetic way, but also in the elements of nature themselves. Being aware of this all, puts one’s self in a very good feeling.
From my new kind of feeling I could pass this to the writer that I cared for. He had read a few of my artistic and scientific work. I could help him finish his search…and I proved him that only ‘the good’ , the source of everything could return. Because I knew he still needed prove…so I helped him. He was not always aware that I (and other spirits in each of the 3 dimensions, were helping him)
He knew that ‘nothing’ could not exist…because everything always tends to explode when it is equal or near ZERO…something with contains no matter cannot exists, meaningless cannot exist. The smaller something gets the more pressure is exposed on it. This is the same for stars as for human relations.
He knew that the electrons were the not destroyable building materials of everything. He knew a lot about the elements and the game of electrons with their proton and neutron charged atoms and nucleons and their condition of indifferent balance. Whenever he was studying I helped him reach the symbolism behind all those laws. He was enormously interested in the things of science. He realized he always met the right persons and read the right books to help him answering the links between life and dead. He found out that with every end of something physical, chemical,…)the consciousness of those elements moved to the not yet vanished elements…because the wisdom of the original composition did not have to disappear. Thus physics and chemic became biology, because the main law of life is that everything is an evolution to more and more consciousness. The first cells die without being able to multiply themselves. The consciousness of those cells came as a kind of energy ‘visiting’ the following cells that still had a classical living string with nature …in those days when there were not yet organisms that could move on their own . The consciousness of the ‘dead’ but not ‘dead’ material (who was transformed in another kind of matter) came visiting the new still living cells giving them ‘advice’. Those visits let to cells being able to DIVIDE themselves…which let to biological reproduction , the first independent organisms and a consciousness that became more the just the sum of the elements and combinations they were made of. Nature was trying to teach us, that in order to survive you had to learn how to divide. Then came the step from animal to men…from looking to things to thinking about things. Men build relationships in their tribe, later their village, their town and so on. On a graveyard in a village you can see the amount of combination life used to use to guide the game of attraction and repulsion, of equality…to always filter past and present.Poverty, wars and natural disasters have intervened in this ‘wanting to be of being’…they must be prevented because they disrupt things on a certain level. We have to get aware of this.
octo (translation corrected 26/04/2011)
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